Saturday 29th May, 1971

I hang around the hotel until 10:00 a.m., then meet José, the agent at the transport office, who I’m sure was instructed to look after me. We spend about four hours drinking beer in a small bar, where I meet many of his friends, and we finally end up with them all drunk and me still semi-sober.

Eventually, a group of angry truck drivers comes into the bar. They pick José up and carry him back to his office to type out their transport document so they can get on the road.

We go down to the wharf at about 8:30 p.m., just as the Santa Lucia is coming in. Finally, at about 10:00 p.m., we’re all aboard. I meet the captain and four other passengers, and then have a coffee and sandwiches in my luxurious cabin. There’s a shower, a bath, a fridge full of food and drink, and a very large double bed, all to myself.

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